Automation: COM/OLE and Command Line Processing


RC-WinTrans offers two different options for automating processes.  These are the command line tool and Windows scripting, summarized below.



Command Line Tool

RC-WinTrans X8 has a command line tool ("RWTCmd.exe") that provides a set of command line commands which can be called from the command prompt or, more commonly, from a batch process.


The command line tool is a small program which does not execute commands by itself.  The command line tool uses RC-WinTrans as an automation server and it is RC-WinTrans which actually executes the command.


A discussion of the command line commands can be found in the RC-WinTrans Help ("Command Line Commands" topic).  There are also some sample batch files included with the RC-WinTrans installation package.




Script files in any language supported by the Windows Scripting Host can be used for command line processing.  Examples of such scripting languages include VBScript, Jscript, PerlScript, etc.


A script can make use of RC-WinTrans' extended COM automation interface which offers a wide variety of options for automating processes.


For further details, please see the scripting topics ("Scripting: Overview"; "Scripting:Reference"; "Scripting Tips") in the RC-WinTrans Help, as well as the "COM Object Model" topic in the RC-WinTrans Help for more information..  There are also some sample Windows scripting files included with the RC-WinTrans installation package.




Both types of command line interface- batch and script- can be extended with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).  This means that the set of available commands can be extended with VBA procedures.


If you require an additional command line command, please contact for information on how to realize it using VBA.